Maryville Addiction Treatment Center - Williamstown
New Jersey | NJ Residential

Maryville Addiction Treatment Centers of New Jersey | NJ Residential facility of Out Patient Services and IDRC

Maryville's residential facility is located on 40 beautiful acres in rural Gloucester County, New Jersey. We also have 3 additional locations with Out Patient Services. We specialize in offering patients a peaceful, natural environment conducive to the full recovery of body, mind and spirit.

Maryville Addiction Treatment Center
1903 Grant Ave
Williamstown NJ 08094
Tel: 856 629-0244
Fax: 856 629-3760

Maryville, Inc. is the oldest residential addiction treatment center in New Jersey. Serving the southern 9 counties, the residential facility has 68 beds including detoxification services. The average length of treatment is 20 days, sufficient to begin the recovery process, but with the expectation that clients will continue in treatment in outpatient settings. Located on 40 wooded acres in rural Gloucester County, Maryville provides a serene and safe setting for adults 18 and over with substance use disorders.
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